Apr 2017 events recap
Two consecutive YK events in a row! It was great to see everyone having a relaxing time connecting with one another.
First up, Thai food at Mamanee Thai on Friday evening. I don’t think anyone can really dispute the fact that the food though was super spicy, tasted awesome. There were 19 of us and we pretty much occupied half of the restaurant sitting area. Lots of chats and laughter, we concluded the night with a surprise belated birthday celebration for Peggy. Many thanks to Kai Lin for organising the dinner event!
The next day, 16 kitties and friends rocked up to Yarra Valley Chocolaterie for some delicious breakfast/hot chocolate. We then went to the overly crowded Yarra Valley Dairy and then to Yerring Station for wine tasting. We tried a few times to do synchronised jump shots and sadly, we didn’t managed to all be up in the air at the same time! Late lunch at Hargreaves Hill Brewing Co. was great for the hungry souls. Throw in some crafted beer tasting and that completed the whole lunch experience. We ended the day walking around Lilydale Lake to walk off the (beer) bellies! Amazingly, the weather turned out to be very pleasant, something I’m very grateful for. Thanks guys for joining in!
Our next event is bubble soccer. Please stay tuned for more details
Wow, sounded like it was a great day out. Thank you for organising this Irene!